Operating Systems


Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and is very similar to CentOS. Rocky Linux is mostly meant for servers or users who need a very stable...[Read More]

Ubuntu Server

Ubuntu server is an operating system based on the linux kernel made by Canonical intended for server usage. Ubuntu server is a much more modular OS...[Read More]


Fedora is a non-profit Linux distribution that has a workstation and a server version. Fedora uses .rpm files like Cent-OS and RHEL...[Read More]


Cloud-ready is a version of Google's Chrome OS. This is the free home edition which is good for most home users. The other editions range from $15-49...[Read More]

Linux Mint

Linux Mint is a Linux distribution based off Ubuntu. Linux Mint has a taskbar at the bottom and a menu similar to the start menu in Windows...[Read More]


Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distribution. Ubuntu has a server edition also but this is the desktop distribution which can still be used to run server apps like Apache...[Read More]

Windows 10

Windows 10 is probably one of the most popular operating systems. Windows 10 can function as a server, basic activities, and gaming. This download...[Read More]

Fedora LXQt

Fedora LXQt is an extremely lightweight version of Fedora using the LXQt Desktop which includes a set of lightweight applications to lower CPU usage, RAM usage...[Read More]


Kubuntu is a flavor of ubuntu that features the kde plasma desktop instead of the default gnome. Kubuntu still uses the same package manager but provides a more familiar...[Read More]


Manjaro is an Arch-based linux distribution that is a great OS for learning Arch. Manjaro comes in four different flavors such as...[Read More]


Arch is an open-source linux distribution that uses the pacman package manager. This download is for just regular Arch and may be difficult...[Read More]


Debian is a free and open-source operating system based on the linux kernel. Debian has two different versions: free software and non-free software...[Read More]


OpenSuse is a free and open-source operating system based on Suse. OpenSuse has two versions: leap which is a stable version of Linux and tumble weed which is less stable and rolling release...[Read More]